Hedera Wallet Snap Expands with Smart Contract Service

Tuum Tech


The team at Tuum Technologies is excited to announce the next update to the Hedera Wallet Snap! Now fully integrated with Hedera’s Token Service and Smart Contract Service, this latest upgrade to MetaMask opens up a world of possibilities.

Whether you’re managing digital assets or building the next big application, these enhanced features are designed to supercharge your MetaMask experience. Dive into a simpler, more powerful, and incredibly efficient way to engage with digital assets and applications directly from the leading self-custodial wallet!

This major update introduces support for the Hedera Smart Contract Service (SCS) (https://hedera.com/smart-contract), adding autonomous, self-executing logic to create an entirely new class of applications on Hedera.

These features include:

  • Creating, updating, and deleting Smart Contracts
  • Calling and retrieving Smart Contract functions
  • Accessing Smart Contract bytecode and information

Why This Update Matters:

With the integration of Hedera’s Token Service and Smart Contract Service into MetaMask, retail users now have access to a robust platform that combines the ease of MetaMask with the advanced capabilities of Hedera. This means users can manage and transact with both fungible (similar to traditional currencies) and non-fungible tokens (unique digital items) directly within MetaMask, leveraging Hedera’s renowned efficiency and low transaction costs. This update simplifies participation in the digital economy while making usage of digital assets more accessible and secure.

Why Developers Should Pay Attention:

For developers, this update opens up a wealth of new possibilities. By integrating Hedera’s Smart Contract Service, developers can build and deploy sophisticated applications using MetaMask that utilize Hedera’s high-speed, low-fee, and environmentally friendly platform. This includes everything from financial services to healthcare and social media platforms. The inclusion of Hedera’s services within MetaMask not only broadens the scope of potential applications but also offers developers access to a large and active user base, accelerating adoption and interaction with new dApps.

Try it Now on Pulse! https://pulse.tuum.tech

Developers Get Started Here: [Hedera Wallet Snap Documentation] (https://docs.tuum.tech/hedera-wallet-snap)

Security Audit: [Hedera Wallet Snap Security Audit] (https://cure53.de/pentest-report_hedera-snap.pdf)

About Hedera Smart Contract Service

Hedera’s Smart Contract Service supports Solidity, offering developers access to popular tools and frameworks. It ensures low fees due to efficient hashgraph technology, fast transactions with instant finality, and a carbon-negative footprint. Transactions are processed fairly in the order received, independent of fees, and the platform is resistant to Miner Extractable Value (MEV) behaviors, making it a cost-effective, sustainable, and secure choice for decentralized applications. For more information, please visit https://hedera.com/smart-contract

About Tuum Technologies

Tuum Technologies is a software engineering company dedicated to empowering users through data ownership and decentralized identity solutions. Since its inception in 2020, Tuum Technologies has been a pioneer in developing open-source tools that promote user control over their personal data. The company is committed to fostering a world where decentralized technologies seamlessly integrate into everyday life. For more information, please visit https://www.tuum.tech/



Tuum Tech

Our mission and contribution to the world is developing self-owned identities that aid in the blending of online and physical realities for all of mankind.